Southern Portion Of Dark Star Has Thick, Near-Surface Intervals of Oxide Gold Intersects


VANCOUVER, BC - Gold Standard Ventures Corp. reported more oxide gold results from 37 reverse-circulation (“RC”) infill and step out holes in the southern portion of the Dark Star deposit on its Railroad-Pinion Project in Nevada’s Carlin Trend. Results have now been reported for 37 of the 67 holes completed in the Dark Star 2019 Phase 1 drilling program.

Eleven infill holes on the east side of the deposit confirm thick zones of oxide mineralization beginning at the current topographic surface with intercepts of 51.8m of 0.73 g Au/t, including 13.7m of 1.58 g Au/t in DR19-37; and 42.7m of 0.50 g Au/t, including 6.1m of 1.15 g Au/t in DR19-46. Step out drill holes to the south continue to intersect near-surface, oxide mineralization that remains open for further resource expansion. 

In the current 2019 Phase 1 program, 3 drill rigs operating at Dark Star have completed 9,500m of drilling in 67 holes. These holes are testing new targets at depth below the current resource model, and lateral resource expansion to the north, west and south of the current Dark Star resource.  The 2019 program will also infill the current resource to approximately 30m drill spacings for conversion to measured and indicated classification.

Jonathan Awde, CEO and Director, said, “The infill component of this program is successfully confirming the outstanding grades and thicknesses of the central and eastern portions of the Dark Star deposit. We expect these results to increase the quality of our resource and to positively impact the conversion of resources to the measured and indicated categories. Step out drilling continues to expand the resource potential to the south and west. Still to come are assays of new drilling to the north of the deposit, the area which we think has the greatest potential for upside. Also, in the northern portion of the deposit, we look forward to testing the emerging sulfide target underneath the oxide mineralization.  We are extremely pleased with the potential we are unlocking at Dark Star.”

The company’s address is Suite 610, 815 West Hastings St., Vancouver, BC V6C 1B4, (604) 687-2766,